I just started to use it. I loved it so much! It is so user-friendly and beautiful! It also handles Hebrew well. I have a question, though, why can we only choose English/Chinese in the settings? Does it change anything? (I didnt use this feature at all). I learned from the instruction that we can download and upload from Cram or Quizlet. It says, "3. Now that your accounts been synced..." Does it mean if we change the cards on the APP, it will also change the data on Cram or Quizlet? Or the term "Synced" merely means "connected"? one suggestion: I was wondering, can you add another function to let us display the cards in a way to move all the hidden cards to the end? Since I have hidden them, I dont want to see those words most of the time, unless I want to come back to review those words. one problem: on side two, there is a horizontal line under the vocab if I choose to "show the vocab." But the horizontal line will cover part of the Hebrew/Aramaic vowels. Can you either delete the line, or modify it? Thx!